

Powering a Climate Safer Future!

IEEE PES Day was created in 2018 as a new platform to engage the IEEE Power & Energy Society members with our organization’s history and vision: “More Power to the Future.” The name was chosen in respect of the day that ‘Power Engineering Society’ changed its name to the ‘Power & Energy Society’ on April 22, 2008.


The goal of IEEE PES Day is to bring together professionals, researchers, and students from various disciplines related to power and energy, including electrical engineering, renewable energy, power systems, smart grids, energy management, and more. It provides a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration, and aims to inspire the next generation of power and energy engineers and leaders. IEEE PES Day events are typically focused on key themes and topics relevant to the power and energy industry, such as renewable energy, electric transportation, energy storage, grid modernization, sustainable development, and energy policy. The events may feature expert speakers, technical sessions, interactive discussions, and hands-on activities to engage participants and promote learning.



The theme of the upcoming IEEE PES DAY 2023 event is 'Climate Change'. This timely and crucial theme reflects the need for the power and energy industry to address the significant impact of climate change. The IEEE PES DAY 2023 event will focus on the critical role of the power and energy industry in mitigating the effects of climate change. It will highlight the development of renewable energy sources, energy conservation measures, and smart grid technologies that can reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable energy practices. The event will also encourage greater collaboration between industry professionals, academics, and policymakers to address this critical issue. The theme of 'Climate Change' for IEEE PES DAY 2023 is aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Conference of the Parties (COP) objectives. The event aims to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, specifically SDG 7, which focuses on affordable and clean energy, and SDG 13, which aims to combat climate change and its impacts.



This year, IEEE PES Day Egypt will take place on April 2024.


IEEE PES Day | Delta Stop

Hours University

160 Attendees

IEEE PES Day | Egypt Closing Stop

New Giza University

185 Attendees

IEEE PES Day | West Cairo Stop

Virtual Event

150 Attendees
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