
Hosted by IEEE AAST Alex SB

AASTMT Main Campus, Alexandria, Egypt


The Egyptian version of the IEEE Student Paper Contest (SPC) will be an annual event that aims to promote the IEEE Student Membership and the IEEE R8 SPC, gathering all 68 Student Branches in Egypt in one different venue every year, to compete and learn from various workshops how to be better at researching and writing papers. Alongside the contest, the ESPC will also be holding sessions and networking activities for students to learn from and connect with other IEEE members and experts from all over Egypt. The Egyptian SPC (ESPC) content will include both IEEE and non-IEEE related content. The IEEE content focuses on teaching students how to use IEEE Xplore and other tools from IEEE that help in researching and submitting papers, as well as how the IEEE Membership in general is essential for researching and staying in contact with the professional community. As for the non-IEEE content, there will be workshops instructed by expert professors on how to write papers efficiently and how taking further degrees like master's and PhD will impact one's career. The ESPC will also have the submitted papers judged prior to the event by IEEE Professional and Senior Members from different universities, the results will be announced during the Closing Ceremony of the event, and prizes will be given.



This year, IEEE ESPC will take place on Saturday November 10, 2023.

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